Art Gallery
Ortopóvoa has a gallery for disclosure and promotion of works of art, which can be visited by both clinic users, patients and any fine arts lover.
Consequently, Póvoa de Varzim has a space dedicated to cultural and artistic events, where periodic exhibitions are held by numerous contemporary artists.
Be sure to visit the Art Gallery on the first floor of the clinic.
The Ortopóvoa Art Gallery is open to the public from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 19:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:00 hours.
Entrance is free.
I don’t want to live in a world without cathedrals.
I need their beauty and their transcendence.
I need them against the vulgarity of the world…
A world without these things would be a world I would not want to live in…
I need them against the insidious poison of the superficial and the superfluous.
Peter Bieri, under the pseudonym Pascal Mercier
Opening of the 23rd exhibition of the Ortopóvoa Art Gallery
"TONS DE SONS", painting exhibition by Afonso Pinhão Ferreira
(postponed, with no expected date)
Opening of the 24th exhibition of the Ortopóvoa Art Gallery
Painting Exhibition of Cristiano Felismina (Cris D. K.) (postponed, with no expected date)
Opening of the 25th exhibition of the Ortopóvoa Art Gallery
Sculpture exhibition by Carlos Rodrigues